Артур Гиваргизов, Другие
Artur Givargizov
(From the book "About Dima and Lyonya, when they were 12 years old, and then, when they were 72")
Dima, Lyonya, and the high jump coach were sitting on a bench. A rabbit hopped past them. Because Dima and Lyonya have never seen a rabbit in their life, they thought that it was an alien.
- Look, an alien, - said Lyonya and yawned.
- A Martian, - nodded Dima and yawned.
- It is not an alien, - said the coach. – It is a rabbit.
- A rabbit! – yelled Lyonya and jumped up surprised. - Wow! A real rabbit!
- Cool! – said Dima and also jumped 1 meter 20 centimeters up surprised. – It can’t be! – Dima even rubbed his eyes.
- Listen, - the coach said to Dima. – Do you want to do high jumping? 1 meter 20 centimeters is a very good result.
And Dima started to do high jumping.
And the coach always had to surprise Dima for good results. For instance, to have Dima jump 2 meters high, he had to show him a penguin.
(From the book "About Dima and Lyonya, when they were 12 years old, and then, when they were 72")
Dima, Lyonya, and the high jump coach were sitting on a bench. A rabbit hopped past them. Because Dima and Lyonya have never seen a rabbit in their life, they thought that it was an alien.
- Look, an alien, - said Lyonya and yawned.
- A Martian, - nodded Dima and yawned.
- It is not an alien, - said the coach. – It is a rabbit.
- A rabbit! – yelled Lyonya and jumped up surprised. - Wow! A real rabbit!
- Cool! – said Dima and also jumped 1 meter 20 centimeters up surprised. – It can’t be! – Dima even rubbed his eyes.
- Listen, - the coach said to Dima. – Do you want to do high jumping? 1 meter 20 centimeters is a very good result.
And Dima started to do high jumping.
And the coach always had to surprise Dima for good results. For instance, to have Dima jump 2 meters high, he had to show him a penguin.