Анастасия Орлова Болото
Пью я однажды сок и чувствую – всё у меня внутри затопило: и сердце затопило, и желудок… Болото целое получилось. Я попрыгал – и точно, в глубине живота: «Бульк-бульк!». Я погладил живот. Хорошее болото. Апельсиновое!
By Anastasia Orlova
One time I was drinking juice and felt that my insides were flooding: my heart was drowning, and so was the stomach… A whole swamp was created. I hopped- and truly, deep in the belly went, “Blop-Blop!” I petted my belly. Nice swamp. Orange swamp!
By Anastasia Orlova
One time I was drinking juice and felt that my insides were flooding: my heart was drowning, and so was the stomach… A whole swamp was created. I hopped- and truly, deep in the belly went, “Blop-Blop!” I petted my belly. Nice swamp. Orange swamp!