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You can prepare paints at home from vegetables, berries and herbs.You will need beetroot, tomato juice or ketchup, parsley, dill and carrot. Perhaps you can find at kitchen shelf some turmeric and cinnamon. The turmeric gives bright yellow colour and cinnamon, of course, gives us brown colour. To get the paint of blue colour try bluberry and blackcurrant. You can also add baking soda to beetroot juice or red cabbage juice. Ask grandmother what she put in the soup so that it becomes so bright & beautiful. What else will she advise you to use? Experiment with vegetables and flavourings : grind dense beetroot juice with yolk of egg and add a bit of honey. Do the same with carrot juice, puree grinded herbs, turmeric and cinnamon powder. Prepare binger like medieval masters did : having splitted egg, they took off an egg- white, they rinsed a yolk-egg carefully without breaking cover. Having spitted the cover, they poured out the yolk-egg in clean dish and grinded power pigment with it. Keep prepared paint in covered jars. Such paints surely will not be toxic. However they will not be bright and persistent but you will have time to draw a picture and make your grandmother glad.
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