English translation:
Sergei Machotin
Car park
- Michael said, “My father has a “Toyota”!”
- Boris said, “Well, my father has an “Opel”!”
- Ivan said, “Well, my father has a “Volkswagon”!”
- Helen said, “Well, my father has a “Ford”!”
- Tanya said, “Well, my mother has a “Hyundai”!”
- “We have a “Hyundai” too!” rejoiced Victor, Leo and Jenny.
When everybody had finished boasting, Xenia said quietly,
- “My grandmother, has a shopping trolley with wheels…”
Number of characters: 349
Sergei Machotin
Car park
- Michael said, “My father has a “Toyota”!”
- Boris said, “Well, my father has an “Opel”!”
- Ivan said, “Well, my father has a “Volkswagon”!”
- Helen said, “Well, my father has a “Ford”!”
- Tanya said, “Well, my mother has a “Hyundai”!”
- “We have a “Hyundai” too!” rejoiced Victor, Leo and Jenny.
When everybody had finished boasting, Xenia said quietly,
- “My grandmother, has a shopping trolley with wheels…”
Number of characters: 349