"Голова, да не та" Наталья Евдокимова
A head, but not the right head
Kostya was going to school and on the way his head started to hurt. It hurt so much, that he barely walked. “My head hurts”. He said to the teacher. “Let me go home as soon as possible". And the teacher said, “ Yesterday your head hurt, before yesterday your head hurt. And it hurts today?”
Kostya thought for a moment. Yesterday he didn’t want to go to school and he said that his head hurt. Before yesterday he wanted to go to school, and he wanted to say that his head hurt, but his head didn’t hurt. And now it really hurts! So Kostya said, “That was another head”.
And the teacher said, “Then tomorrow come with the third one." And Kostya nodded.
Kostya was going to school and on the way his head started to hurt. It hurt so much, that he barely walked. “My head hurts”. He said to the teacher. “Let me go home as soon as possible". And the teacher said, “ Yesterday your head hurt, before yesterday your head hurt. And it hurts today?”
Kostya thought for a moment. Yesterday he didn’t want to go to school and he said that his head hurt. Before yesterday he wanted to go to school, and he wanted to say that his head hurt, but his head didn’t hurt. And now it really hurts! So Kostya said, “That was another head”.
And the teacher said, “Then tomorrow come with the third one." And Kostya nodded.