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Porridge "Nick"

To make porridge "Hercules" all you need is a tablespoon of oatmeal flakes, one hundred twenty grams of coconut (or any other) shavings, sugary (or any other) powder - however, you would like it. All the ingre… in-gren… ingre-di-ents should be mixed in a cup, poured into hot boiled water. Then, wait a little bit, and stir for 10 minutes.
This porridge is named after a hero - Hercules. After three plates of porridge, he beat the Nemean Lion!
"Do you like it?" asked Dad.
"Delicious," nodded Nick, "give me more!"
"Good job," complimented Dad, "Athletes eat this every day. And the army men. And even when you're hiking!"
"Dad, wait, I have to focus. I think I could do three pull-ups."
Nick came to the chin-up bar and pulled-up almost three times.
"Strength," nodded Dad.
"Yes," agreed Nick, "Never in my life have I pulled-up three times. Give me more!"
Nick ate another plate of "Hercules", came to the chin-up bar and pulled-up almost 100 times!
"More!" declared Nick.
After four hours he could almost do 1,000 pull-ups, and he could hang on the chin-up bar for a day!
The porridge was now named differently. It was named "Nick"!
And in the school museum, there was a statue of this boy.
Комментарий члена жюри: Элисон Прайс-Ром (Alison Price-Rom)
Not always idiomatic: "He pulled up almost three times," instead of "he did three pull-ups."
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