
Королевская корова

Third level
English translation:
Nina Dashevskaya
The queen’s cow
A little boy walked up to his mother, and said,
“Please draw me a cow!”
The little boy’s mother was not like every other mother. She was a queen! Which made the little boy, respectfully, a prince.
“Ahh”, thought the queen, “it seems as though I can do everything. Fireworks for three days, easy! What fireworks, I could move one finger, and there would be a war! Or let’s say I wanted to, I could on an empty, fully flat surface, make a castle appear. Even with a water supply! But a cow… no that I cannot do. I do not have such skills! Maybe I could summon the court artist?”
The queen looked at her son. She straightened his lace collar. She looked into the serious grey eyes of the future king.
She understood, she would have to be the artist of the cow!
The queen sighed, and got out a pile of pink paper stamped with the royal crest. She then dipped a gold quill into gold writing ink, and scribbled something, that reminded her of a suitcase. She then proceeded to add stick-like legs and a tail-tassel to the suitcase.

It was then the face’s turn. Do you know what a cow’s face looks like? Well, the queen, had absolutely no idea! Not one! Nonetheless, she courageously shook off the excess ink of the quill and started drawing the face, to her best might: dot, dot, comma… oh and ears, you cannot forget the ears! Well and horns, it is a cow after all…

The suitcase with a human-like face, wagged its tassel, and chewed some chamomile, oh and smiled. Oh and how it smiled, from ear to ear!

The queen embarrassedly shrugged her shoulders and showed the little boy her creation. The stern gaze of the heir, suddenly brightened,

“Mum, mummy! What a wonderful cow! I wanted one exactly like this one... one that smiled exactly like this!”

The young prince from such delight, started hopping on one leg, and then he even started spinning on his heel around himself, since he was the only person, who was allowed to turn his back to the queen!
The queen looked at him and thought, “Well there he is, my little boy. The future king, just and big-hearted”, she looked at her drawing one more time and corrected herself, “No, just big-hearted… he will grow up and abolish royal taxes, death penalties and he will disband the army… he will ruin the whole kingdom, god damn! No, I need to be much sterner with him…”

And she kissed the little boy on his little sweating, freckled nose.

Number of characters: 1976
Комментарий члена жюри: Галина Лазарева
Хороший перевод, отличное владение лексикой. Проблемы: многовато линейности - дословно переводится порядок слов в русском предложении, а художественный перевод такого не терпит. Запятые стоят как попало, очень мешает восприятию текста.
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